GOAT Wellness was created to help us adapt to the modern-day world. We offer the greatest body treatments to naturally heal the body with the goal of transforming our clients into the best versions of themselves.

Our Services
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When it comes to wellness, we're happy to help you find what treatments are best for you.
Request a consultation or schedule a doctor designed lymphatic function screening to learn what modalities can help you.

Hi, I’m Lindsey.
GOAT Founder
I have been a personal trainer for over 15 years. As much as I am a believer in utilizing workouts and a healthy diet to optimize health and appearance, sometimes they are not enough. Quite often a client will come to me exasperated, because they are doing everything they can but cannot improve a certain "trouble area" of their body or even their overall health. Now with body contouring techniques, specifically Cryoskin and Endosphères, I have an answer for clients to address their stubborn areas and improve their general health. In addition, I bring a unique perspective as I have personally struggled with an auto immune disease for many years which allows me to offer clients first hand experience on how these treatments have benefited me and can also help them. I truly believe that body contouring techniques, such as Cryoskin and Endosphères, are the third piece of the puzzle for maximizing holistic health, along with regular workouts and a healthy diet.
Happy Clients
"I don't know how I lived so long without Cryoskin in my life. This is worth every penny!! I feel the best I have felt in years.”
“Explanation of process was thorough and all my questions were answered. The result even after just one treatment was amazing! I already referred 2 friends”
“I lost 1.25 inches on my stomach and love handle section after one slimming treatment. It was such a pleasant experience and I highly recommend.”
Ask Us Anything
GOAT Wellness
407 W. Chicago Ave.
Chicago, IL 60654