WHAT IS CryoSlimming?
CryoSlimming® works by subjecting the subcutaneous layer of skin (where most fat is stored) to sub-zero temperatures.
This cold exposure causes the fat cells in the treated area to initiate apoptosis: "an active, programmed process of cellular dismantling." Said another way, apoptosis programs these fat cells to expire. They are then converted to waste and expelled from the body via urine, sweat and breath. The elimination of these cells, once apoptosis has been initiated, is carried out by the lymphatic system - this can be achieved through exercise as well as a variety of lymphatic drainage modalities.

No downtime
Reduces inches
Permanently kills fat cells
Reduces fat pockets
Improves skin quality
Improves collagen production
Improves microcirculation
Skin Quality
All patients involved in our clinical trials saw an improvement in their overall skin quality.
Body Shape
87% of people saw an improvement in their body shape after treatment.
Fat Reduction
There was an average of 19% reduction in subcutaneous fat and 1.8 inches lost around the waist.
88% of people surveyed would engage in regular treatment.

Throughout our 20 years of developing lifestyle and fitness programming for individuals of all ages, abilites, and limitations, we have learned that our bodies don't always respond to diet and exercise as we would expect. Some of us have a stubborn area of fat or loose skin that we just can't get rid of. There are many factors that can contribute to this problem, and we have discovered Cryoskin to be the best and safest solution.
Ideal Candidates
Good candidates for Cryoskin should have "pinchable" fat for the best chance of success.
Also, this procedure may work for individuals who fit the parameters, including:
• People who follow a healthy diet and exercise routine already (or willing to adopt one to maintain results).
• People who are looking to lose fat in targeted body parts that exercise isn't impacting.
• Those who don't need or want to pay for an invasive procedure.
Like other treatments, CryoSlimming best occurs after around 5 sessions. However, the first results are generally noticeable from the first session and often very encouraging.
It should be noted that the best results appear from 15 days to 3 weeks after the treatment and extend for several months once the treatments are completed. This is due to fat mass loss and a healthy diet with an active lifestyle.
As with anything, the more sessions the better the results will be. As far as lasting results, it will vary according to diet, lifestyle, and individual body response to Cryoskin.

What to expect...
• In preparation for the treatment, it is important to have clean dry skin, drink lots of water, and avoid carbohydrates at least 2 hours before, and 2 hours after the treatment.
• It is always recommended to begin with a consultation. Since most clients want to do the treatment, we always leave enough time after the consultation for one Cryoskin treatment. The consultation takes about 15 minutes, and you should plan for at least an hour for the very first appointment.
• Before each treatment the cryo therapist will discuss your results from the previous session, your main concerns, and where you would like the treatment to focus on. Taking your goals into consideration, the cryo therapist will advise what technique is best to achieve your desired results.
• Depending on the area being treated for CryoSlimming, the cryo therapist will take measurements and/or a before photo.
• A gel will be applied to the skin where the treatment will be performed.
• The treatment starts and ends with a warming sequence using the Cryoskin wand. The cold sequence feels like a deep tissue massage and many clients say it is comfortable and enjoyable.
• Once the treatment is completed, depending on the area, measurements and/or an after photo may be taken.
• Most clients see results from the first session and are very promising, but sustainable results tend to happen around the third and fourth session.
• The skin may be red after the treatment and usually goes away after 30 minutes.
• At the end of the appointment, the cryo therapist will ask if you have any questions and when you would like to book your next appointment. You’ll also be reminded to drink lots of water and make good choices!