Present day, there's many diseases that do not have a cure. If the cause was known, then it would be easier to prevent. We can speculate lifestyle factors that may cause and trigger symptoms, but the human body is evolving too quickly. We cannot maintain homeostasis. Americans not only need prevention advice, they need help with their current symptoms before it causes havoc on their daily living (if it’s not already), or becomes fatal.
There’s an overwhelming amount of information telling Americans how to take care of themselves and prevent disease, but it’s for clicks and clout. Medical institutions only share text book information, so how are influencers confident at sharing accurate advice? Who can we trust to give educated lifestyle recommendations for disease prevention?

How many influencers giving advice on disease prevention...
Have been diagnosed with a non-curable disease?
Have a higher education in health sciences? (Exercise physiology, kinesiology, advanced nutrition knowledge AND implementing their modalities with “healthy,” “non-healthy,” and elite men and women of all ages, ethnicities, abilities, disabilities, and diseases), not just doctors and nurses.
Understand the SCIENCE of the human body (skeletal, muscular, lymphatic, endocrine, nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory, urinary, and reproductive), and understand the science of how all the components of the body (genetics, body systems, lifestyle, biological age, stress, disabilities, etc) respond to holistic and western medicine modalities.
Can answer exactly how does modern day food manipulate the modern American body to cause disease.
Give information that’s from non-biased studies.
Can give health advice to moderate and very healthy Americans who are uncomfortably living in “limbo” (living with symptoms of disease but cannot get a diagnosis, and suffer from symptoms).
Tell people medicine is bad for them? Western medicine was invented for a reason. Sometimes the “cure” is worse than the disease. Since there are no cures for many diseases, the symptoms must be treated to avoid fatality. Diet and lifestyle changes may not help those who have an internal malfunction, or have developed years of inflammation (aka the silent killer).
Can share their sources of information that has educated them enough to give health advice? Health and medical education have not caught up with the modern day body, so what’s their source? Hopefully these trusted sources don’t have an agenda.
Know that the average American needs to focus on their internal environment, and reducing inflammation for diet and exercise changes to be effective.
Can explain and teach others how to be their own advocate when going to a doctor to treat their symptoms. Many Americans are beyond the stages of prevention, test results come back “normal,” holistic methods are no longer helping, and medical attention is needed. Symptoms must be treated, or the disease will progress.
Ultimately, the human body is made for complex, precise, and powerful movements. The modern day body struggles against our most basic instincts. When the body is utilized to its full potential and given the nutrients it requires, all cells will activate, and cells receive the nutrients to restore, grow and stay healthy. If we’re underutilizing our cells and tissues, evolution hacks our body, causing cells and tissues to die or start failing. Preventive lifestyles are helpful to prevent hacking, however, genetics do factor in. The healthiest people are still getting sick.
It's very exciting we're Making America Healthy Again!
It's not only important to prevent disease, but we also need to help the "healthy" people suffering from symptoms of the unknown.
Question where your health and exercise advice comes from. Safely treating symptoms with lifestyle changes, holistic modalities and pharmaceuticals may potentially prevent a dormant condition until there is a cure, unless the Lord can control evolution.
GOAT Wellness is here to be your advocate, and help everyone feel the greatness.