Cryoskin facials are non-invasive and have no downtime. However, if you're adding Cryoskin facials into your current facial regimen, you should be aware of the recommended wait times and order for which these treatments should be performed in conjunction with the Cryoskin facial.
How to plan Cryoskin Facials with other common aesthetic facial services:
Microcurrent | Before or After |
High Freqency | Before or After |
Lymphatic Drainage | After |
Galvanic | After |
LED | After |
Photo Biomodulation Therapy PBM | Before or After |
Celluma | After |
Vaporized CryoFacial | Recommended 2-3 days, minimum 1 day before or after |
Facial with manual exfoliation | Recommended 3 days, minimum 2 days before or after |
At home glycolic or salicylic acid use | Discontinue use 3 days before, continue usage 3 days after |
Retinol creams | Discontinue use 3-4 days before, continue usage 3 days after |
Dermarollers | Recommended 3-4 days, minimum 2 days before or after |
Radio frequency | Recommended 4-5 days, minimum 3-4 days before and after |
Chemical peel over 5% | Recommended 1-2 weeks, minimum 5 days before, 3-4 days |
Acupunture | Recommended 5 days, minimum 3 days before, 3-4 days after |
Microneedling and with PRP | Recommended 1 week, minimum 4-5 days before, 3-4 days after |
Hydrafacial with peel | Recommended 1 week, minimum 5 days before, 3-4 days after |
Microdermabrasion | Recommended 1 week, minimum 5 days before or 2-3 days after |
Dermaplaning | Recommended 1 week, minimum 5 days before or 2-3 days after |
Dermabrasion | Recommended 2 weeks, minimum 1 week before, 2-3 days after |
IPL | Recommended 2 weeks, minimum 7 days before, 2-3 days after |
Laser skin resurfacing | Recommended 3 weeks, minimum 2 weeks, 2-3 days after |
Laser hair removal | Recommended 3 weeks, minimum 2 weeks before, 2-3 days after |
Chemical peel under 5% | Recommended 3 weeks, minimum 2 weeks before, 2-3 days after |
Botox, Dysport injections | Recommended 1 month, minimum 3 weeks before, 2-3 days after |
Laser ablative fractional | Recommended 1 month, minimum 3 weeks before, 2-3 days after |
Laser sublative fractional | Recommended 1 month, minimum 3 weeks before, 1 week after |
Facial fat transfers | 3 months before, 2-3 days after |
Facial fillers or lip fillers | 3 months before, 2-3 days after |
Facial surgeries | 3-6 months before (scar must be completely healed), 2-3 days after |
Facial implants with human material | 3-6 months before (scar must be completely healed), 2-3 days after |
Facial implants with silicone | NEVER |
Why the extended wait times between Microneedling and Cryoskin Facial?
This amazing service has multiple levels of intensity and can be performed in some states at a spa while other states exclusively require a licensed medical professional to perform this treatment. The needle lengths can range from .5mm (usually dermarollers) all the way to 2.5mm depending on the issue being treated and the location said service is performed. Most microneedling treatments are over 1mm and take 48 hours for the redness to reduce, bleeding to fully stop and bruising to subside. The skin may feel warm and itchy upwards to 1 week after the treatment, especially for clients with more sensitive skin, some can even experience mild peeling if the needle is closer to 2mm. For these reasonings it is recommended to wait 1 week to allow the skin to fully heal before applying the gel and Cyoskin Facial treatment on the area of body that has received microneedling, minimum 4-5 days.
Why the extended wait times between chemical peels and Cryoskin Facial?
This exfoliating treatment helps to sloth off dead skin and penetrate potent ingredients into the regions applied. Chemical peels have a large variance when referring to their strength. For a lighter to medium level peel, usually over 5%, it will take about 7 days to fully develop new skin and can take up to 1 week to stop peeling. This patient will be left with redness that should subside within 24-48 hours. It’s recommended to give the skin 1 week after peeling has stopped before applying the gel on these fresh skin cells. Therefore, for your light to medium peels we recommend waiting 1-2 weeks with a minimum of 5 days to 1 week depending on if a client experiences frosting and peeling. Whereas deep chemical peels like a TCA or Jessner, usually performed under the supervision of a medical professional, can take upwards to 14 days for the body to develop new skin in that area and stop peeling. These patients will experience extreme swelling and redness and therefore it’s recommended for a patient to wait around 3 weeks and minimum of 2 weeks if the peel is under 5% before receiving a Cryoskin Facial.
Why the extended waiting times between microdermabrasion, dermaplaning, and Cryoskin Facials?
These exfoliating treatments help to sloth off dead skin to allow for better product penetration and unlock a radiant glow. Because the body can accumulate around 15-20 layers of dead skin cells, these treatments help to remove those layers and expose fresh new skin cells. It takes around 7 days for the skin to fully heal after these treatments and it is recommended to wait a full week before introducing Cryoskin’s gel onto the face or area where these more aggressive exfoliating tools are used. The gel might cause irritation or a breakout if introduced to the area before the skin has time to heal.
If you have questions regarding Cryoskin Facials and how to implement them with other common aesthetic services, it is recommended to request a consultation.